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Glow Rewards Estimator estimates the statistics and rewards in Glow tokens and USDC over four years for a hypothetical farm joining the Glow protocol at a given date.


  1. Enter the zip code, electricity price per kilowatt-hour at the farm's location, DC output in kilowatts, and the date of joining the protocol.
  2. Adjust the rate multiplier to increase or decrease the slope of the weekly farm count estimate curve.
  3. Click on "Estimate Rewards" to view the estimated stats for the farm: protocol fee, annual electricity production, annual carbon credit production, and rewards over four years.
  4. Adjust any input value and click on "Estimate Rewards" again to see how the rewards change.

How Results Are Calculated

Protocol fee:

The protocol fee is calculated as the present value of the electricity value over a 10-year commitment period, discounted at 11%. The formula can be expressed as:

PV = PMT * ((1 - (1 + r)^-n) / r)

Where PV is the protocol fee, PMT is the average annual old electricity value, r is the discount rate (11%), and n is the number of periods (10 years).

Annual Electricity Production:

power_production_per_year_mwh = dc_output_kw * avg_daily_peak_sun_hours * 365.25 / 1000

Annual Carbon Credit Production:

annual_carbon_credits = carbon_credits_earned_per_mwh * power_production_per_week_kwh * weeks_per_year / 1000 * 0.65

Weekly Glow Token Rewards:

weekly_glow_reward = total_weekly_glow_rewards * (protocol_fee / total_protocol_fee_per_week)


  • total_weekly_glow_rewards is a constant = 175,000
  • protocol_fee is the protocol fee of the hypothetical solar farm
  • total_protocol_fee_per_week is the sum of protocol fees from all active farms that week

Weekly USDC Rewards:

Weekly USDC rewards are calculated using a complex function that considers:

  1. The bonding curve amount
  2. Protocol fees collected over the past 208 weeks (excluding the most recent 16 weeks)
  3. The farm's carbon credit production relative to the total carbon credit production

The exact calculation is:

weekly_usdc_rewards = usdc_pool_for_week * (carbon_credit_production / total_carbon_credits)


  • usdc_pool_for_week is the average of the weekly protocol fees paid over the past 208 weeks (excluding the most recent 16 weeks)
  • carbon_credit_production is the estimated number of carbon credit produced that week by the hypothetical farm
  • total_carbon_credits is the sum of the estimated of of carbon credit produced by all active farms

Weekly Electricity Value:

weekly_electricity_value = power_production_per_week_kwh * electricity_price_per_kwh * (1 + annual_percent_increase_in_electricity_price) ^ years_since_join_date


  • power_production_per_week_kwh is the average weekly power production in kilowatt-hours
  • annual_percent_increase_in_electricity_price is the electricity price per kWh, which increases annually based on the state's electricity price increase rate

This calculation estimates the monetary value of the electricity produced by the solar installation each week.